I am wondering if I will ever see a temperature below 90 again. Even after 8 pm, it was still in the 90s. It makes it very hard to want to go for a run. I waited as long as I possibly could to go running and know that I should end with some sunlight still looming.
I had to run 4 miles today. I did the 4 miles. Four very sweaty miles. I was pushing my toddler in the jogger. She hates going through the sprinklers. As much as I would have LOVED to run through each sprinkler that was spraying the trail, I avoided them. I think she appreciated it.
I don't know when it is going to cool down again. My preferred temperature is mid 70s. 50s or 60s are good for running also. I don't want snow. I would prefer this weather over snow. Snow makes it hard to run. It gets really slippery! I always hope that the trail has been cleared of snow or the sidewalks. Sometimes it is just hope.
Tomorrow I have to do 2 miles. I might try to get those done a little earlier. I enjoy running, I just hate thinking that I could die of a heat stroke with my children on the playground and my toddler in the jogger. I need to figure out a way to get in the runs and stay cool...
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